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Does Food Control You?

June 1, 2022

Dear Friends,

If you’re like many of the women I work with,

You feel out of control around food.

Maybe your problem food is chocolate. Or sweets. Or salty crunchy snacks.

Or maybe it’s all of the above… and then some.

As hard as you try to resist,

These foods seem to have a mysterious…

And powerful hold over you.

It’s like they’re calling your name,

Tricking you into just having a few…

And once you start you just can’t stop!

If so, you’re not alone.

Many of the women that I work have shared that this is a BIG problem for them.

They’ve tried restricting portions…

They’ve tried the latest diet that prohibits problem foods…

They’ve even tried keeping the food out of the house…

But nothing seems to work!

Because the “charge” that these foods have is real.

The emotional connection to them is strong.

It’s like your brain is hard-wired to want them.

And restricting them just makes you crave them even more.

Fortunately, there is hope!

Using some amazing energy healing techniques,

My clients have been able to “neutralize” the charge that these problem foods have,

And finally, be in control when it comes to food.

Like Marjean…

Who recenltly had a TON of family issues recently and found herself reaching for the sweets.

We “neutralized” these “treats” for her and the results were off-the-charts amazing!

Here’s the proof…
Oreo cookies – she still has the bag in the pantry but hasn’t touched them
Chocolate cake pieces at the checkout counter – walked right past them and didn’t even want one
Good and Plenty candy – two unopened boxes at home and no desire for them.
Ghirardelli chocolate – gave them all to her husband
Cadbury Easter eggs – she just said no thanks!

She also released 7 pounds.


If you’re ready to…

Be in control when it comes to food.

Lose the weight and keep it off.

I’d like to help you.

I’m a registered dietitian, emotional eating coach, and weight-loss mindset expert.

I combined my 20+ years of experience into a simple system that features scientifically proven energy healing methods that stop cravings and emotional eating and be in control when it comes to food.

I love sharing my system because I know it will change your life in ways that no diet ever can.

If you’re ready to stop YOUR emotional eating and get lasting results on the scale,


Join me for my FREE online training:

Conquer Your Cravings and Stop Emotional Eating

Just click HERE to register and save your seat. 


Karen Donaldson, MS, RD, LD
Registered Dietitian
EFT Certified Weight Loss Coach
Emotion Code Certified Practitioner
PSYCH-K ® Facilitator

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