
Open-Faced Havarti Sandwich


Open-Faced Havarti Sandwich

One of Denmark’s most famous cheeses, Havarti is a semi-soft cheese with a mild and creamy, almost buttery, flavor.   It is similar in taste to Gouda, although not as strong.  It comes in different varieties and is often made with caraway seeds, dill, or other spices.  And, it makes a great open-faced grilled sandwich!  Give it a try to add some fun variety to those fast summer meals.

  • Sourdough bread (or bread of your choice)
  • Dill-flavored Havarti cheese (or regular flavor if preferred)
  • Pesto
  • Yellow pepper – thinly sliced
  • Purple onion – thinly sliced
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.   For each sandwich – spread with about 1 TBS pesto.  Top with the Havarti cheese and the veggies.  Bake about 5-10 minutes until cheese melts and bread gets a bit crusty.  Super delicious and quick!  Enjoy.

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