
Super Charge Your
Money Mindset

Live Workshop

Friday,  February 9, 2024
10:00AM – 1:00PM MST

Are you stressed about money?  

If you’re like most people I know, the answer is yes.

Some common examples of money stress include:

  • Worrying about how you are going to pay your bills
  • Constantly checking your bank balance and feeling anxious about the amount of money you have
  • Feeling like you’ll never get ahead financially
  • Avoiding conversations about money because they make you uncomfortable
  • Feeling ashamed about being in debt
  • Missing out on experiences because you can’t afford them
  • Worrying about retirement
  • Jealousy over other people’s financial success

What if…

Instead of all this stress…

You could live a life filled with financial abundance.

Truth is, you can.

You can change your money beliefs and change your whole money reality!

Which is why I’m teaching this workshop.

Many of you know me as a weight loss expert.  

And I do help my clients get amazing results!

They’ve experienced first-hand how changing their mindset and beliefs about their weight issues is working to help them stop their cravings and emotional eating and lose weight.

Because of this, they’ve asked me to do a workshop on changing their mindset around money.

So they can stop stressing about money and enjoy Financial Abundance.

Are you in?!

Super Charge Your
Money Mindset

Live Workshop

Friday,  February 9, 2024
10:00AM – 1:00PM MST

What You'll Learn:

Resolve your money story.

  • First, you’ll discover how your family money story and your traumas around money are affecting your finances today.
  • Next, you’ll resolve those stories and traumas with powerful energy healing techniques.

Release and resolve your negative money beliefs.

  • Working together, we’ll identify your top ten beliefs about money that are keeping you stuck in Lack Mode instead of Abundance Mode.
  • Next, you’ll permanently let go of those negative beliefs so they can’t continue to block you from abundance.

Create new beliefs about money.

  • This part is so fun! I’ll help you create new beliefs, specifically for you, that will help you attract financial abundance.
  • You’ll also get your personal “Abundance Score” before and after the workshop so you can see the progress you’ve made.

SuperCharge Your Money Mindset!

  • First, you’ll create the vision of what you want with money and why.
  • Then, you’ll create your own High Vibe Money Mindset practice so you can create a life of Financial Abundance.

Please note!

This is a highly personalized workshop. 

In addition to the work we’ll be doing together during the workshop, I’ll be testing your beliefs and your personal Financial Abundance Score before and after the workshop.  This means you will know the beliefs you need to change and have your own personal financial abundance score before the workshop so you can get the most out of the workshop! Then, you will be able to see how you score has changed after the workshop. 

Because of this level of personal attention, I must receive your registration by Wednesday, January 31 so that there’s time for us to do some prep work before the workshop starts.

That’s why you need to register NOW!

If you’re ready to stop stressing about money and step into a life of Financial Abundance click below to join!